What,s Your Lucky gemstone

Welcome to Jyotish Paramarsh Kendra, your number one source for Astrological Services, Gemstone suggestions, yantras, mantras, & taweez .We are dedicated to providing you the very best of ​Gemstones.

lakshmi narayan

Hello, I’m Lakshmi narayan. Astrologer.

One of the Greatest Brand Astrologers in India Mr. Lakshmi Narayan founder of Jyotish Paramarsh Kendra, Shani Dev Devotee, and Tantra Mantra Sadhak.

Your Best Gemstone
Your Best Gemstone

Want to know your best suitable gemstone…?

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Yes, Its free…and you can ask for your best suitable lucky Gemstone.
Send us..Name,Birth date,Birth place,Gender.

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  • Date of Birth
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(दी गई पूरी डिटेल्स देने पर ही आपके जीवन का सर्वश्रेष्ठ रत्न बताया जायेगा)

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Our Services

Need help in choosing the right Gemstones?

Gemstones play a very important role in astrology. The effects of the planets remain completely on our body and life and the planets are associated with the effects of the gems.
In that case, gems play a very important role in astrology. By wearing these gems we can reduce the problems and lead a peaceful life.

Astrology Services

We provide the best astrology services, The best of the recommendation, the best of life.

Gemstone suggestion

Gemstone Recommendation. We provide the best suitable gemstone according to the horoscope.

Quality & Uniqueness

We strictly work on the Quality & Uniqueness and provide our best services.

Our Company

Jyotish Paramarsh Kendra

We work together, listen, examine and test the problems of the person very deeply and only then come to any conclusion. As a result, we arrive at a very precise solution.
Because our aim is “Best solutions & Peaceful Life”

Our Tagline

We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Astrological Advice & Best Gemstones

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Jyotish Paramarsh Kendra

Contact Us


1400- Jyotish Paramarsh Kendra, Kripal Ngar, Avanti Bai Chowk, Supela, CG.




+91 98261-79774